Explore the common conditions that can affect your child’s eyes.
Myopia (short sightedness) occurs when the length of the eye from front to back is too long, or when the
cornea (front surface of the eye) is too curved. One or both parents with myopia increases the likelihood of a
child having myopia.
In addition, the development and progression of myopia occurs when there is:
1. Lack of sunlight / outdoor activities
2. Prolonged close work / near tasks
Why do we need to be serious about myopia management?
Myopia on its own is not a bad problem. Many people with an onset of myopia from their teenage years or
adulthood will have a stable spectacle prescription for years.
However, the problem with children having myopia is the risk of progression to pathologic (harmful) myopia
which can result in increased risk of serious visual problems in adulthood.
Evidence based strategies to slow down the progression of myopia include:
1. Sunlight for 11-15 hours a week outside of school time. Sunlight is shown to have a protective mechanism,
especially in younger children, against eye growth. This can delay the onset of myopia as well as slow
down further growth of eyes which are already myopic.
2. Limit time spent on near tasks. Children’s eyes were not designed to spend lots of time on screens and
studying. While it is important to attend to schoolwork, other hobbies and interests that do not require
focusing at near should be promoted.
3. Glasses that fully correct the focusing error. Hoya Miyosmart or Essilor Stellest are special lenses shown
to decrease eye growth by defocusing peripheral objects as perceived by the eye.
4. Daily Low Dose Atropine eye drops. Low dose atropine eye drops have been shown to give signals to the eye to slow down extra and abnormal growth. Various concentrations can be prescribed.
Your ophthalmologist will discuss the best approach for your child, which often involves a combination of
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